感謝您對墨爾本台灣學校的支持與肯定,為提供學童更舒適的學習環境,本校將於2022年5月21日遷址至 Altona Meadows Primary School (78-88 Alma Ave, Altona Meadows)。

1. 出入口請由Orville St,學校目前也只有開放這個出入口讓家長和學生進出 。

2. 當天請準時接送孩童上下課。
3. 9點上課及12點下課時,請家長勿在校區停留過久,以免防礙投票工作。
謝謝您的配合,如有其它新校址的疑問, 請和我們聯繫!! 謝謝。
Relocation news
Dear Parents,
Thank you for supporting Taiwanese School of Melbourne. We would like to inform you that we have found a safer and better studying environment for our school. The campus will be relocated to Altona Meadows Primary School (78-88 Alma Ave, Altona Meadows) on 21 May 2022.
The new school location is as below:

Due to the Federal Election Day will be conducted on May 21 and Altona Meadows Primary School will be one of the polling places. There are few things to remind all parents:
1. Please entry and exit from Orville St. This is the only entrance/exit spot for our parents and students.

2. Please drop and pick up your children on time.
3. Please don’t stay in the campus for too long on that day to avoid disturbing the voting work.
Thank you again for your cooperation and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Specially thanks to our school teacher Ms Mia Hsiao who assisted the school throughout the relocation process.
Taiwanese School of Melbourne